Sunday, January 11, 2009

"...In men under 65 with no known heart disease but with risk factors, i.e. LDL of 130 mg/dL or greater, the studies cited showed no difference in all cause mortality. For those men under 65 who had very high LDL levels, the evidence showed that these men might have a slight benefit from taking a statin, but nothing to write home about.

In women who are under 65 there is virtually no evidence that statins do squat. In fact, the report doesn’t even produce evidence that cholesterol lowering does anything for women. The report states that it bases its rationale for treatment of women on an extrapolation of data from men.

In men and women over 65 the studies cited show no evidence that cholesterol lowering brings about any significant decrease in risk for heart disease.

Men of all ages with diagnosed heart disease were the only group that the studies used in this report show receive an actual benefit from taking statins. And even that is slight.

Women who have heart disease and who take statins have a reduced death rate from heart disease but no decrease in all-cause mortality..."



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