Sunday, April 11, 2010

Axioms w/c are held to be true but may not be 1) glucose comes either from food or from the liver 2) type 2 diabetes have a high level of glucose in the blood. 3) insulin/glucagon ratio determines the amount of gluconeogenesis in the liver 4) the liver releases glucose either via glycogen breakdown (recall it can store 5% weight of glycogen=> liver weighs 1.2-1.5 kg=>60grams to 75 grams of glycogen, recall any excess glucose to the liver is converted to saturated palmitoyl fa) or gluconeogenesis. 5) Type 2 diabetics have lower stores of glycogen in their liver 6) ethanol slows gluconeogenesis in the liver. 6) glucose downregulates gluconeogenesis in non diabetics but not diabetics. If we were to halt oral glucose, and halt gluconeogenesis at nite with a shot of ethanol, blood glucose levels should fall over time. Weight lifting should also deplete muscle glucose via lactic acid



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