Sunday, April 11, 2010

By Howard Wolinsky

NEW YORK (Reuters Health) Apr 01 - A high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet is a safe and effective way for severely obese teenagers to lose weight, according to a new study.

Effective treatment options for young people who are obese are limited, "particularly for those who are severely obese," Dr. Nancy F. Krebs, professor of pediatrics and head of the division of pediatric nutrition at the University of Colorado Denver School of Medicine and colleagues noted online March 22nd in the Journal of Pediatrics.

Fear that a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet in children "could adversely impact growth and could increase cholesterol levels...has been a barrier to it being used," Dr. Krebs told Reuters Health.

To investigate, the researchers randomized 46 severely obese teenagers to eat either a high-protein, low-carbohydrate diet or a low-fat diet for 13 weeks. The study subjects were 14 years old on average and were at least 175% above ideal weight, but were free of type 2 diabetes and other comorbidities.

On average, those on the high-protein, low-carb diet lost 29 pounds over 13 weeks, while those on the low-fat diet lost 16 pounds. Nine months later, both groups had maintained the weight loss. "We had expected the high-protein, low-carbohydrate group to quickly regain all the weight lost, but this did not occur," Dr. Krebs said. "At the end of the day, this suggests that with ongoing support, these patients could perhaps have achieved even more weight loss."

The high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet also appeared to be safe, with no serious harmful effects on growth, bone mineral density, and various metabolic parameters, such as cholesterol levels. Both groups had declines in LDL cholesterol and increases in HDL cholesterol.

Clinical psychologist Dr. Angela Celio Doyle of the University of Chicago's eating and weight disorders program, who was not involved in the study, said its findings help "fill the hole" in the scientific literature on adolescent obesity.

"There really isn't any gold standard now for how to help these adolescents lose weight," she said.

The study received funding from the National Institutes of Health and the National Cattlemen's Beef Association.

J Pediatr 2010.



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